How to fix Glary Utilities Pro errors

Few things are more annoying than system optimization errors when you need to clean your computer and run certain programs. But don’t worry! Like other programs, Utilities Pro can have problems, but many of them have simple solutions. The following will tell you what to do when problems occur.

Error 1: Program fails to start

So, you have downloaded and installed Glary, but the program just refuses to open. What to do? Let’s find out.

Follow this:

  • System reboot. Quite often a simple reboot of the computer will solve many problems. Check, it is possible that another process is blocking the start of the program.
  • Reinstall. If rebooting does not help, try reinstalling the program. Uninstall the program via Control Panel and install it again.
  • Antivirus check. Antiviruses can sometimes block programs from working properly. Make sure your antivirus is not blocking Glary by adding it to the exclusion list.

Error 2: Program freezes while running

During the scanning of your system the program just freezes? We will try to solve this too!

Follow this:

  • Program version. Make sure that you have downloaded the actual and working version of the program.
  • Reset program settings. Sometimes, if you have changed some program settings, it may cause a conflict. Try to reset the settings to factory defaults.
  • Closing other programs. If you don’t have the most modern computer, Glary may compete for resources with other programs. Close unnecessary applications and try again.

Error 3: Cannot find files to clean up

The system objectively needs to be cleaned, but the program finds nothing to delete? This could be weird.

Follow this:

  • Check your search settings. You may have accidentally disabled some file categories for cleaning. Check which file types are selected for search and add if you missed something.
  • Reinstall the program. If the problem recurs, try reinstalling the program as described in the first point.

Error 4: Software not doing its job?

Have you performed an optimization and the result leaves much to be desired? It is likely that the program was simply unable to process all aspects of the system.

Follow this:

  • Run a deep scan. Glary Utilities has a deep system analysis feature. It can help you find hidden errors that the program did not see during a regular scan.
  • Update your drivers. The program may not optimize the system if you have outdated drivers. Check the Device Manager to see if everything is up to date.

In order to avoid problems due to irrelevant or broken versions of the program you should take one simple step – remember that you can download a working and tested version of Glary Utilities Pro from our website for free!

The more complex the problem – the easier the solution!

Glary Utilities Pro errors are nothing to worry about. As you can see, most of them can be easily resolved in a couple of clicks. The main thing is to stay calm and follow the advice.

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