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Working with the software, you may have encountered some technical problems. But don’t worry – each of them is solvable. Today we will look at how to overcome the most popular errors you may encounter while working with the software.
The error code is 1044/1045. It usually appears when trying to connect to the server and says: “Access denied for user username@yourhost.” Unpleasant, but fixable.
Why does this happen? Your account does not have the right permissions to connect.
How to fix it? You need to give your user more permissions. Command to fix:
” GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO ‘YourUserName’@’%’ IDENTIFIED BY ‘YourPassword’ “
The command should work, and access to the database will be possible.
Did you encounter the error “Finished Unsuccessfully – Failure Opening File”? Perhaps the problem is not with the file, but with the access rights. This failure occurs if Navicat does not have permissions to perform the operation.
Why is this happening? Most likely, you are running Navicat as a user without administrative rights and the program simply cannot access the file or directory.
Solution – Run Navicat with administrative privileges. If for some reason it is not possible – change the path to this file – put it into the folder accessible for your user (for instance, create a new directory on your desktop).
When working with databases, many people encounter encoding problems. If data suddenly changes its appearance when importing or exporting, the reason is most likely due to incorrect encoding.
Why does this happen? The database might be set up for one form of encoding and the file constructed for another. For instance if your database is in UTF-8 and the file being processed in Latin 1 it will not be as expected
How to fix it. Check that the encoding of the database and the file match. You can do this by using the appropriate commands in SQL. For example, for MySQL:
ALTER DATABASE dbname CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci;
One of the most frustrating things is when a query works on the MySQL command line, but refuses to run in Navicat. You start to wonder, “Where did I go wrong?”
Why does this happen? In some cases, it may be due to differences in MySQL versions or SQL mode settings. For example, some strict modes may block certain syntax constructs that would be accepted in another mode.
How to fix this. Check which SQL mode is being used on your server. You can change it with the command:
SET sql_mode = ”;
This will remove the restrictions and probably solve your problem. But be careful: SQL mode exists for a reason. It is best to familiarize yourself with what you are changing beforehand.
Attempting to create an external key may cause an error if the system detects a data type mismatch between related fields.
Why does this happen? Foreign keys require a strict data type mismatch between the columns you are linking. For example, you can’t bind a column with type INT to VARCHAR – the system simply won’t understand it.
How to solve this? Check that the data types match completely. For example, if one column is INT, the second column must also be INT. If everything is correct, but the error still appears, check if there are any data integrity violations – perhaps there are records that do not match the foreign key rules.
I hope we managed to be useful to you, because these errors are hard enough to solve intuitively without having the right experience. You can download Navicat Premium from our site completely free of charge by any convenient way for you – torrent or directly from the site. The security of files that we provide and help in solving errors in the work we undertake.
Hopefully, you now feel confident in solving these mistakes. And remember: every problem has a solution, just sometimes it takes a little more effort. So don’t give up – Navicat can be a powerful tool if you learn to solve the little technical challenges it poses to you!